Closing a sale on a dental practice can be risky business, whether you’re buying, selling, or forming an associateship. You risk your reputation and patient relationships that you’ve developed over time, so it must be done right! It can seem overwhelming but there's no need to take it all on yourself. The simple solution is to work with PARAGON Dental Practice Transitions. PARAGON has been through this process enough times that we can provide you with all of the expertise necessary for closing transactions successfully, while still maintaining your core values. Since 1988, we have prided ourselves on smooth dental practice transitions in South Carolina, resulting in a 95% success rate! If you’re searching for the right broker to assist you in selling or buying a dental practice in South Carolina, you’ve found us!
PARAGON typically has several practices throughout the state (and especially in the major metro areas) seeking to add an equity associate. Equity associateships lead to either practice co-ownership or practice full ownership and contractually allow "sweat-equity" to the associate during th...
South Carolina Dental Practice Transitions
PARAGON specializes in helping dentists transition practices from the seller to the right buyer. PARAGON’s goal is to make sure you walk away feeling satisfied from the process of purchasing or selling your dental practice in South Carolina. We have extensive experience working closely with each client on tailor-made solutions based on your individual needs.
Sell a Dental Practice in SC
PARAGON’s Dental Practice Transition Programs can help you get your South Carolina dental practice sold within the quickest timeline possible. With our experienced dental practice brokers in SC, we customize a transition just for you and make sure it goes off without any glitches.
Buy a South Carolina Dental Practice
Working with PARAGON to buy a dental practice in SC is easy! Just fill out our free profile, have an in-depth consultation about what you want from your new dental practice, and then watch as we match up all available options for you. You’ll be able to make the best decision possible - it's that simple!
Best Broker for Dental Practices in South Carolina
With time, you could learn the intricacies associated with buying or selling a dental practice. Yet you don’t have to! With PARAGON’s decades of experience and invaluable insight into today's market conditions, we can help ensure your transaction goes smoothly from start to finish so that all attention remains focused on patients!
Many dentists ask the question “what is my dental practice worth in South Carolina” when they get ready to retire, sell, or form an associateship. That’s a fair question! PARAGON Dental Practice Transitions makes accurate dental practice valuations so that you know the value of your dental practice in South Carolina before selling time. Our experienced dental practice appraisers ensure that your dental practice valuation analysis in South Carolina is fair market value, which your buyer will recognize!
PARAGON believes that you, like most healthcare professionals, want to conduct business in an environment where both buyer and seller are treated fairly. We strive for non-adversarial transactions guided by knowledgeable South Carolina dental practice transition consultants who only provide service on your behalf with one goal - making sure everyone gets what they deserve! One thing is certain - our consultants for dental practice transitions in South Carolina ensure there is one agreed-upon price tag and when all agreements have been made between buyer and seller, there are no surprises. If you need assistance in buying or selling a dental practice in South Carolina, contact PARAGON. Our expert South Carolina dental practice broker will be by your side every step of the way!